Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog 19: Independent Component 2


(a)  “I, Brandon Rodriguez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
(b) Best Source: Daniel Lerch. (909) 930-1040
(c) On the right. 
(d) I completed multiple hours of extensive training and development. 

INTERPRETIVE These extensive training and development towards my future with Starbucks was towards extending my voice within the company and gaining a deeper knowledge of management. The training involved the use of management skills and knowledge of Starbucks products more specially the coffee we provide. Still not eligible to become a coffee master due to my lack of experience within the products we provide, the training allowed me to develop questions for my 4th interview. I participated in numerous coffee tasting with my team at my store, trying the new products we have at Starbucks. 

"Using a french press actually provides a richer and full-bodied coffee brew than other methods. Blueberries are perfect to combine with the acidity levels of the coffee. "

 "This coffee tasting consisted of three blonde blends. Two of these blends are found year-round in Starbucks, however the Light Sky Blend is only season. All are arabica beans and contain a low-acidity level."

 "Coffee tasting with my manager of Pike Place vs Pike Place Special Reserve"

How did the component help you answer your EQ? This component helped me gain a deeper knowledge of the benefits that Starbucks employees have for example the Coffee Master's Program is available to any partner that wishes to extend his/her knowledge of coffee. It helped me with my 2nd and 3rd answers. I had a customer asking about the difference between the brews of coffee and I was successfully able to provide her with correct type of coffee she was looking for. It is essential for partners to gain a deeper knowledge of the products that Starbucks provide to ensure the success of the store.

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